
Friday, April 11, 2014

Isla Isabela

Tethered while on passage
I know a lot of cruising family bloggers are posting from sea and on their passages - we just don't have those types of comm's going on Mangas. We need to wait for a good ol' fashioned wifi hotspot on land before we can post. So, as a result, I am way behind. But, I have a hotspot and hope to catch up a bit before we take off again.

Currently, we are in Puerto Vallarta after sailing across the Sea of Cortez from La Paz. The journey required a couple of night passages with shifts. On the first night, we averaged 7.5 knots for 10 straight hours, which made for a quick passage. My shift both nights was from about Midnight to 5 AM (and Mike is the night owl, so what is up with that?!). Thank goodness for the Kindle investments. But reading a Clive Cussler Oregon Files novel where the Prologue goes into great detail of a collision of two boats at sea, at night - not a great idea. I was a little jumpy. Saw a few boats on radar, saw the lights from others that did not show up on radar (Yikes!), but pretty uneventful otherwise. 

Our first landing after leaving La Paz was Isla Isabela. This is a world heritage site and was a favorite stomping ground of Jacque Cousteau apparently. It has nesting grounds for many birds, but mainly the Frigatebird, the Blue-footed Booby and the Brown Booby. 

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves....

Land ho! Approaching Isla Isabela from the north

Baby Frigatebird - these birds cannot walk along on land, so the parents land in the trees to feed. If a baby falls out onto the ground, they cannot be fed by their parents and will perish

Male Frigatebird

Juvenile frigatebird and an Iguana

Blue-Footed Booby mother sitting her nest

Blue-Footed Booby chick

Fishing Camp

Research and hospitality center that was never completed

Fishermen coming in with their catch of the day


  1. I just love you all. I am living threw your great adventure. Rock that coast line. You all look so well and happy. Billy oh Billy....... he is so fat and happy. He loves to chase Beauty around the pasture. It is great exercise for both of them. He has worked his way into our hearts and he loves the green grass and that big black butt. He has such a great spirit. Our love goes out to you on your wonderful adventure. Please keep your powder dry and a eye on that horizon..........

    Love V&C

    1. So good to hear from you! Happy to hear that Kirribilli is doing so well and loving life at the ranch. We'll give you a shout out when we get a chance to call.
      Take good care! Love from all of us.
